The Story
Long ago, I came upon a story , That led me to an understanding that I would like to share with all of you .

In early China some 2000 or so years ago , Two men on horseback Canted through the plains, The day was fresh and moist and a storm was building in the sky.
Both men were well worked and fatigue was settling in .
Many hours of hard riding remained , Darkness filled the sky and the clouds soon relaxed there hold on the moisture within releasing a mirriad of rain, It fell by the plenty and soon both men were cold and wet.
The Ground softened accordingly and the horses hooves flicked up mud and the odd stone ,Covered from head to toe the two men were.
The man leading of the two ,His mind was occupied by thoughts of misery and contempt,
Here we enter his mind ! IM tired and sick of this rain ,Why cant it stop,Arhhhh Dam this rain!
Boy its cold still hours to ride and we don't seem to be getting anywhere with all of this mud about.
Just then a branch blown by the wind Grazes and bruises the side of his face.
As he turned to unsuccessfully avoid it, He saw that the man behind seemed to be in a state of bliss, Smile ran from ear to ear, Contentment and peace were his manner.
This is where the story finished, I can remember, at that time when I fist became aware of the story, How confused I was .
Not until some time later did I Realize the gift that was within these words.
And it is this gift that I would now like to share with you all.

The first man perceived the rain as a personnel attack upon himself ,and at that point decided his path. This man was cemented within the world, and his mind was dictated by his senses ,He was in the state of the( world mind).
The second mans perceptions were not clouded by the world mind, He saw the rain for what is was ( The giver of life ) and the wind the spreader. His path was also decided upon.

Both men were in the rain and cold, Both men were tired, Both men had long to ride, However one mind was tainted by the world mind and the other was not.
I then realized that Ultimately We decide on the paths that we walk in life, We can posses a mind and understanding such as the first man, Or we can work towards separating ourselves from the
Dictation's of our senses and thereby breaking the bonds and chains of anger worry and disappear

Whatever we decide Ultimately we decide upon the path that we take in life.
It was at this point that I decided to work towards becoming that second person .
We have all heard that song singing in the rain, The next time that it starts to rain in your life try
Singing it isn't easy at first but you will soon find that the more that you try the easier it will become , Until eventually you are singing without even trying anymore.

The Many phases of the Human mind.

The mind breaks into two parts
ie,(World mind) IE (True mind), Much existence is spent in the World mind,In this state one grows accustomed to following the dictation's of the Sencess,Only experiencing small glimpses of the true mind) by way of conscience. Soon the dictatations of the senses become so prominent that these glimpses into the( true mind )start to become fewer and fewer ,Now the mind is in a state of (world mind) and unable to acknollage the existence of the (True Mind) when in this state ,one has no real sense of Morality and will follow the dictation's of the senses .
Existence has two states,ie. (Illusionary) and (Non Illusionary) A being in the first state of existence (Illusionary) posses the World mind, Where by all sensations are dictated by there Senses and there ability to see beyond the physical Plain of existence is greatly Diminished.
The other existence is non Illusionary,This being possesses the True mind and has the ability to see in all of the plains of existence, IE (spiritual Plains).
Most of us depending on our individual levels of Spiritual cultivation Posses both of these minds
And spend our lifetime moving from one mind to the other mind, This is a natural part of the cultivation process.
We find, that the more we cultivate ,The more time is spent in the ( Non Illusionary Mind).
Until we are fully separated from the World mind and all that it initials, this is the Destination that we are all guided to in our individual paths to Enlightenment.
This we will call the awakening !.
To help us to reach this Destination we need to reinforce a depend sense of morality ,When we experience inner visions of conscience or a depend sense of what is right, Be strong and follow
this feeling it will come from deep within you and will not be dictated by your senses in this way you will know its source.( God)
I am hoping that is some way the story of the two men, will help you ,as it has helped me in understanding oneself.


I would like to share with you all another insight that I underwent .
The I ,had separated my prayers from most of my existence.
Most prayer is performed as a ritual Where by a person or persons dedicate a specified amount of time to prayer or meditation.
This is excellent, and in fact is what I myself have done in the past and present.
This plays an important tool in giving the person the strength needed to follow the path that is placed there for us to cultivate spiritually.
However what tends to happen and I can only talk personally is that after the prayers or meditations , One and the same thing actually, we tend to drift back into that world state and in this state of being it can at times be difficult to follow the correct path.
I have come to the understanding that these two places need to be merged together .
In this way we can experience the clarity of mind only experienced through meditation or prayer
In all of the aspects of our lives.
We can do this easily by changing the way that we perceive prayer and meditation and not limiting it to a specific time or ritual, The love of God Is unlimited .
What I have come to understand is that everything that we do has the potential to become prayer and meditation. In fact God would rather that we help someone in need or follow the right path.
We could make millions of offerings by way of prayer or meditation, But more beneficial is the Good actions, The right conduct, The sharing of love, This is what I have come to understand as prayer. Prayer isn't Determined by action ,I have come to understand that prayer is more a state of being. And it is this state of being that can be successfully carried into all the other aspects of our existence.
At first this will seem difficult, However with The love of god in you there is nothing that you cannot do. The easiest way is to realize that weather you are Praying or meditating or in fact lets say mowing the lawns , Whatever you are doing be aware of God no matter how or what you perceive to be God , Because if this is how you see God this is how God wishes to be seen by you.
Just have an awareness that God is within you and that you are in fact cultivating Spiritually.
In this way your level of cultivation will Grow and become Not a part of your life, But your life itself.

Cultivation is a lot of fun and very Satisfying , Cultivation is something that cant be forced just relax , follow your insight and Enjoy the wonderful experience of living.

About Sifu

Sifu has been Practicing  Chi Kung - Yi Gin Ching & Shii Soei Ching Spiritual Training now for well over 30 years, And has been a Sifu now for over 20 years, Where he has instructed  and taught the various techniques in Eastern Healing, Ion Body Kung, Yi Gin Ching & Shii Soei Ching
(4 step Enlightenment Training) After Many Years of training from variouse masters Throughout Asia Sifu was given the statis of SIFU (Teacher), Only after 10 years of full time training was Sifu Awarded this Honor . Full Time means at least 10 hours per day, In Fact Sifu has dedicated his entire life to the Training and to the teaching of what he has learned !
After many years of this kind of life training the training itself becomes the teacher ,
This is how a Master Knows that he has passed on all that is needed to be passed on, And that it is time for the student now Teacher to move on and grow and learn, And to spread the seeds of his Knoll age on to others who are ready to learn and receive them.
At this time Ones life becomes the Message & the Universe the teacher !

After years of this type of learning ,I had come to understand that if one always likens himself/Herself as a student no matter how much that he/she might think that they know all that they need to know will present itself to him/her, at the time when they need to Know it.
It may come by way of a person or an ,ancient master by way of book or dream, Or by way of the mother herself (Earth)Or the father Heavens,All Knoll age is possessed inwardly and awakened as ones Spiritual level cultivates to a higher level.One must also Remember not to strain ones mind or try to look for this Knoll age,  Just to allow it to Appear. In this way your Tao (way) will present itself to you.
I have learned that no two paths are the same some may coincide at times to mutually Benefit the cultivation process ,
However no two paths are the same.
As spiritual beings we are all at different levels of cultivation, not levels understood when looked Upon by eyes tainted by the Grand Illusion (the world) There is no such thing as High or Low levels in cultivation,there are just levels.My training has In fact come full circle & we often find ourselves back at the point where we began.Isnt it amazing how life has the Tendency of allowing one to repeat passages in life until our minds & Spirits cultivate to a level where wear able to learn from these Experiences.
And if we are not able to in one lifetime, The Spirit returns to another body and the lessons are repeated, Isn't that a beautiful thing,
No one is forgotten ,
Every one of us is given the opportunity to grow Spiritually.
I have learned that most Truth is hidden by a shroud of Illusion that man has manifested & created,
& when ones mind is cemented within this shroud true Insight & Wisdom is hidden from ones perceptions.  
I have always been on a path,As are we all ,However  this time I am able to perceive the path & with a mind at a level that is capable of following it.
I have started this Foundation not to point or to lead people to a specific Tao (way) as I know that everyone is on there own path !
 I have started this Foundation to let you know that although you are  on your individual Path, there are others who are also on paths suited to there own level of cultivation. So you are not alone .
I know at times it feels that we are alone,However you are never alone,For God walks within all of us !
This Foundation is for all who understand & are aware that they are spiritual beings,& for those who are making an effort to spiritually cultivate.
In modern society it is Increasingly difficult to remain on ones path, I hope that in some way We can help you to be strong in your conviction & dedication, No matter your path!

Love and Peace sifu